In this highly competitive economy, marketing communication professionals get an edge by reducing the costs of their services.
The experts at Fulco Fulfillment Inc. have proven strategies for marketing communication optimization.
A Marketing Communication Optimization process will:
- Increase the effectiveness of communication at your business.
- Increase the efficiency of communication at your business.
- Ensure compliance with all privacy and security rules and regulations.
First, we complete a comprehensive analysis of your marketing materials and answer these questions:
- Are they readily available?
- Do they reach your target audience?
- Do they help you meet your sales goals?
Outsourcing these materials can help you meet your goals.
Fulco will help you reduce all the costs associated with your communication materials including printing, fulfillment and storage. We can help you choose the most cost-effective printing option: traditional offset printing or digital (print on demand). We also take into account factors such as:
- Quantity in stock
- Usage History
- Expected Life and Future Usage
- Format
- Production Options
- Objective of Communication
We use your usage history to predict future usage and set the right understock notification level. We reduce your stress by sending automatic emails alerting you when inventory is low and it’s time to reprint or reorder.
Marketing communication optimization is a comprehensive solution.
For full benefit, here are some things to take into account:
- An objective of communication with complex documents with a total annual usage of under 1,000 pieces.
- Use simple documents that have an annual usage of under 5,000 pieces.
- Having documents with unknown usage patterns and/or frequent changes.
- Documents that have reached the end of high usage but need to be retained for reference.
- Review products that are about to enter back-order status.
We also evaluate client communication streams for effectiveness and efficiency. Personalized sales packages can increase response rates, so choosing this option may be a good return on your investment.
Other factors to consider:
- Documents that are about to enter back-order status.
- Usage volume and lifespan.
- The target audience and purpose.
- Personalization requirements that include variable content and text.
- The types of delivery method(s).
- The Design Constraints.
- Your production options.
- The best practices.
- Your competitors’ methods of communication.
- Cost optimization.
After this evaluation is complete, the type of production techniques that will best suit your pieces will become clear.
Fulco Fulfillment Inc. can produce your organization’s marketing materials to the best effect in the most cost-effective way. Let FFI optimize your marketing communication! Find out more by calling 973-361-1700.